Thursday, October 31, 2013

I'm just not Romantic

If you play me
I will walk.
If you take advantage
of my giving heart
I will walk.
If you string my ass along
I will walk.
If you cheat on me
I will walk.
I don't care for your
I don't care for your excuses.
I don't want to talk it out.
I don't want to fight it out.
I don't want to make up
and have great sex after.
It's very simple.
Fuck with me
and I walk.
And I won't look back.
I guess I'm not very romantic, am I?

My heart bleeds too, you know

When I'm hurting
She won't have it.
When I'm sad
when I despair
when it's hopeless
she tries
to argue me out of it.
As if one can reason away
As if emotions
can be refuted with logic.
Every time I feel
if it's not happiness
(and when is that?)
she won't have it.
Apparently sorrow
is exclusively
the realm of the woman.
Usually I keep my mouth shut
I say nothing
But sometimes
I slip.
Now you may be thinking
I'm speaking of
a lover
a girlfriend
or some sort of female friend.
Fooled you.
It's the MOTHER.
And it's been like this with her
But she's had no qualms
to vent her spleen, her
gall bladder
her sorrow, histrionics
and pain
on me
for decades.
As I said...
the realm of the woman.
(And yes, all the women I've been with--same goddamn thing.
But I digress.  Let's save them
for other poems.)
Usually, with the MOTHER
I lock it down.
But like I said, I slip sometimes.
But the rest of time...
"You never tell me ANYTHING.
Everything is always OK with you,
but I know it's not.  Why don't you ever
SAY anything?"
You know the answer.
Let her complain. 
I still call and visit.
I could be worse--there's no counting
the white-haired, bent old ladies
sitting in their parlors, dressed in the Sunday best
smelling of baby powder
clutching purses with pretzled fingers
waiting for a call
that never comes.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Hook

You put out some good bait
and hooked me
didn't matter
as I was looking to get caught
but then...
the reeling in
and the playing out
of the line
you wouldn't reel me in or cut me loose
and then I saw the other lines
you were playing from your flimsy little boat
and the bait grew stale
so I broke the line, myself
and swam away
leaving you to totter
and capsize
that's what happens
when you fuck with sharks
they may eat you
but you're on you own
I have my own concerns
like this hook
I can't shake loose